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大家好,欢迎来到闲暇品茶第142期。这一期呢,与大家分享的好兄弟小廖总拿来分享的茶,陈升号2018年班章老树青饼(4380元/饼)。该茶饼形周正,条索紧结肥壮披毫,灰褐显毫油亮,干茶香高糖香。下面开汤,投茶量为9克,120ml 白瓷盖碗,洗茶1遍。Hello and welcome to tea at Leisure 142. In this issue, we share the tea with our good brother Mr. Liao, Chen Sheng, 2018 Class Zhang Laoshu Puer tea (RMB 4,380 / cake). The tea cake is in the shape of a circle, with fat and fat strands tightly tied, grayish-brown, bright and dry tea with high sugar flavor. The soup is opened below, the tea quantity is 9g, 120ml white porcelain covered bowl, wash the tea once.


汤色金黄泛绿,亮较明,有少许悬浮物,这与班章茶茸毛多有关系,茶汤香及挂杯香显,汤香蜜糖甜香伴有似兰花的香,挂杯香持久。The first soup.The soup color is golden and green, bright and bright, with a little suspended matter, which is related to the fine hair of banzhang tea, the fragrance of tea soup and hanging cup is obvious, the sweet fragrance of honey in the soup is accompanied by the fragrance like orchids, the fragrance of hanging cup lasts.



Second soup

The tea is golden in color, bright and clear, and bitter in taste. Then it turns sweet and produces more saliva. The tea is full of flavor, mellow, strong and cool, which makes the hiccups stronger.



The third soup

The soup is golden and bright and thick. The entrance of the tea soup is lubricated. The bitter taste is heavier and melts quickly. The soup is thick and thick, with a sense of pressure on the tongue.



Fourth soup

The color of the soup is unchanged, the taste of the mouth is outstanding, the taste is sweet, the tip of the tongue is sweet, the throat is open, the tea is full of breath, the body sensation is mainly manifested as strong heat sensation in the lower abdomen, chest and back, bulging at the two points of the sun, and strong burp force.



Fifth to sixth soup

The color of the soup is still golden and bright, the taste of the tea soup is rich and pleasant, the waterway is delicate, and the palate is astringent. At this point, your forehead sweats slightly (the room temperature is 26°C at 11 a.m.). Until the 11th tea flavor is still sufficient, no water taste has been observed, good foam resistance. More than 10 bubble down, because the breakfast carbohydrate is less (egg cake and soya-bean milk) hungry feeling appears, there is a slight tea drunk (hypoglycemia symptom) phenomenon, eat a candy can be alleviated.


View the leaf bottom: the leaf bottom is yellow and green bright, the activity is good, there are a few red leaves, the leaf back is fine, the leaf quality is thick, the toughness is better, even and clean.

综合:该茶滋味醇厚浓爽显霸气,回甘力强,持续时间较长,生津显,茶气感强(不建议空腹品饮),但涩底持续时间较长。Synthesis: The tea tastes mellow, thick and cool, with strong return to the gan, lasting longer, producing saliva, strong sense of tea (it is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach), but the duration of astringency is long.






Appearance: the rope is tight and fat, the grayish-brown color is bright and clean.

Soup color: bright golden yellow.

Aroma: Honey is sweet and fragrant, long and tall.

Taste: mellow, strong, long duration, clear and delicate.

Leaf base: bright yellow and green, good activity, with a little red leaves, fine hairs on the back, thick and even leaves.

那以上呢就是我对陈升号2018年班章老树青饼的品饮体会,谢谢大家。The above is my tasting experience of Chen Sheng's 2018 class Zhang Laoshu Pu 'er tea. Thank you.



作者:闲暇品茶,80后,一个不卖茶的开云足球app下载官网最新版 爱好者,认真客观的品饮每一道开云足球app下载官网最新版 。作者出生于广东茂名,现居中山。

Author: Tea tasting at leisure. After 1980, a non-tea-selling pu-erh tea lover, he drinks every pu-erh tea carefully and objectively. The author was born in Maoming, Guangdong, and now lives in Zhongshan.

来源:今日头条  作者:闲暇品茶

